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Me Time : It’s the little things.

Writer: Anitha NambiAnitha Nambi

Updated: Feb 22

There is so much buzz about having that quintessential 'me time' especially if you are a woman. Men need it too. But somehow, it's assumed they have plenty of it. Well that’s a discussion for another day. But for women, do we get our 'me time'?

What is 'me time' anyway? The dictionary meaning is time spent relaxing on one's own as opposed to working or doing things for others, seen as an opportunity to reduce stress or restore energy. Does it have to be that way?  Should we be always relaxing in our me time?  Should it be a stress buster? One thing is for sure, you need to be on your own, alone or with the company of your choice.

But do we really enjoy our me time? There will always be a part of us thinking about what’s happening back home. How frequently can you have our me time? Planning for a me time shouldn’t become another reason for stress 🙂

So, while pondering over all these issues, I was wondering if I ever had my me time. Exercising, shopping , saloon visit are all part of self care and do not count as me time, IMO. Then, do I ever take time off to spend on my own? Very few, far and between.

But wait, there are moments when I'm on my own and I find them blissful. No, it's not under a Bodhi tree,  it's when I'm driving my car to the office in the morning. Those 30 to 40 minutes in the car (between stepping out of the house, or rather kitchen, and getting into the office) is an absolute bliss time for me. 

Yes, this feeling is despite the peak hour traffic. While listening to FM with all those silly ads, honking at two wheelers that constantly criss-cross your path, keeping an eye on the clock so that you don’t have to apply for attendance regularization, I still seem to enjoy my time then. It's like the transit time between two worlds when I think of neither of the two. That for me is the me time. What’s yours?

P.S . The above does not apply for the evening commute.



Hi there..

There is so much that life can offer to make us understand the moments.  This blog is meant to record all such musings of life and to hear from you as well

Chennai India

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