In the past few weeks, I have been training at a Gym and my trainer gives me different types of weights like dumbbell, kettlebell, sandbags, weight plates, medicine balls, barbells etc for strength training purpose. The interesting thing I have noted is that for the same weight, each of the weights mentioned above, feel different to lift. Some seem easier than the other. Four kg leather ball is easier to manoeuvre than a four kg dumbbell. Of Course there is a scientific reason behind this, weight distribution and centre of mass. Based on muscle activation required, the type of weights are chosen. For e.g with a barbell, the weight is more centralized, allowing for greater stability while dumbbells demand more independent muscle control to balance the weight on each side of your body.
Well, this concept of centre of mass and the resultant effect on us left me intrigued. What if we can apply it to our regular problems? While we cannot overcome all the challenges that life throws at us, the way we hold it can make a lot of difference. If we know where the centre of mass of the problem is and shift it in such a way that it seems ok to handle, I think we have done ourselves a huge favour. But how do we do it exactly?
I know, there is no one way to do this. It will vary from person to person and situation to situation. But it's worth the try. Why because the very fact that we are aware that there is a problem and we are looking ways to overcome it, itself is half battle won. Suppose a guy thinks that he is under-privileged and feels depressed whenever he sees someone better. It's a weight on him and no matter what it keeps showing up in his behaviour. How can this concept help him?
Being under-privileged, the guy feels he is short of opportunities. While that is true, if he realises the fact that he may be more satisfied if he fights for an opportunity and gets it than for a person who gets it on a platter. When the focus of the problem changes, the discomfort associated with it also changes.
Well, these are my thoughts. If you have any, kindly share in the comments below.